Wednesday, January 20

Samuel Escobar: on Latin American Churchs

Samuel Escobar, is native of Peru (my country land) and he is a leading Latin American theologian.

Part of the same generation of Rene Padilla, he was part of the first young generation touched by John A Mackay teachings. I had the chance to participate at some of his conferances when I was young Chrsitian student back in Peru.

He is one of my references on my theology thinking structure. He was one of the key participants in the International Congress on World Evangelization at Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1974. I think is currently serves as professor of missiology at Palmer Theological Seminary in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, and as theological consultant for the Board of International Ministries in Valencia, Spain. He is also president of the United Bible Societies and past president of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students.

Here he give us a little inside on Latin Amercan Churches. I find his thought very accurate and and helps us to understand Latin American Christian way of living faith.